Goghy Stokin
The Center will invest primarily in seed-stage biotechnology projects in the CNS therapeutic space. Although we favor opportunities in “target rich” biotechnology communities, we will consider investments worldwide, as long as the therapeutic opportunity fulfills our investment criteria. Our goal is to fill the gap between “friends and family” funding and traditional venture capital financing for companies seeking to develop drugs or diagnostics impacting degenerative central nervous system disorders. We are looking to invest in projects that would address significant unmet medical needs in this space. Specifically, we will seek investment opportunities having:
A proprietary technology.
A potential for providing a solution to a significant unmet medical need in the CNS neurodegenerative disease space.
A compelling, well-articulated strategy for capturing significant market share.
Strong management with relevant experience and a willingness to listen to advice.
A market opportunity sufficiently large to create a business with at least $25-$200 million in annual revenues.
A viable exit strategy for CNS (and other potential co-investors).
A company valuation that fits within a predetermined risk/reward calculation for the investment.
In situations in which CNS partners with others, CNS will consider investments for companies seeking approximately $1-2,000,000. This, more or less, follows the usual VC capitalization of round one funding. It is unlikely we would participate in a second round of funding.